
Theoretically insufficient

Most drivers would fail to answer basic Theory Test questions, with young drivers the worst offenders


GDL gains further backing

Road Safety GB survey backs calls for Graduated Driver Licensing


Nightmare of drowsy drivers

Fatigue continues to play a major role in the horror of road crashes

Road Safety

Theoretically insufficient

The driving theory test, a significant hurdle for over half of the candidates, is a crucial step in the journey…


I screen, you screen, we all scream

The evolution of tech interfaces in our cars is not appealing to drivers. Knobs, buttons and touchscreens – what is…

Road Safety

Drive fast, die young

Young male drivers and excessive risk-taking, followed by death and carnage; it’s all too familiar a story. For all the…

Teaching & Training

The wait continues

Test waiting times continue to be a driving issue across the country. Following the backlog caused by the pandemic lockdown,…

Road Safety

A hole load of trouble

Writing news stories about potholes used to be an annual affair. These days it has moved relentlessly though monthly, weekly…

Road Safety

Dicing with danger

In 2021, more than 6,500 UK drivers were in serious car crashes. The number of these who were young drivers…

Teaching & Training

Can the system cope?

There appears to be a mountain to climb if we want shorter test waiting times. New research shows demand for…

Road Safety

European dangers

New research has revealed the most dangerous European countries to drive in, with Romania coming out on top. The study…

Road Safety

Scooting around the facts

E-scooters continue to rise in popularity. While the wild, wet and freezing weather of winter may curtail the two wheeled…

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